Publishing a release

This is a checklist for the steps to take to create a release for public usage.

  • Increment version number in workspace Cargo.toml
  • Run cargo ci check to update all Cargo.lock files
  • Update top-most changelog heading from "Unreleased" to the new version number
  • Increment the version the CARL container used in CI/CD deployments
  • Create commit and push to development
  • Open PR from development to main
  • Merge PR once its checks have succeeded
  • Tag the commit with the respective version number in the format "v1.2.3" and push the tag

After the release

  • Increment version number in workspace Cargo.toml to development version, e.g. "1.2.3-alpha"
  • Run cargo ci check to update all Cargo.lock files
  • Add a new heading "Unreleased" to the changelog with contents "tbd."
  • Create commit and push to development