Test Environment

openDuT can be tricky to test, as it needs to modify the operating system to function and supports networking in a distributed setup.
To aid in this, we offer a virtualized test environment for development.
This test environment is set up with the help of a command line tool called theo. THEO stands for Test Harness Environment Operator.

It is recommended to start everything in a virtual machine, but you may also start the service on the host with docker compose if applicable. Setup of the virtual machine is done with Vagrant, Virtualbox and Ansible. The following services are included in docker:

  • carl
  • edgar
  • firefox container for UI testing (accessible via http://localhost:3000)
    • includes certificate authorities and is running in headless mode
    • is running in same network as carl and edgar (working DNS resolution!)
  • netbird
  • keycloak

Operational modes

There are two ways of operation for the test environment:

Test mode

Run everything in Docker (Either on your host or preferable in a virtual machine). You may use the OpenDuT Browser to access the services. The OpenDuT Browser is a web browser running in a docker container in the same network as the other services. All certificates are pre-installed and the browser is running in headless mode. It is accessible from your host via http://localhost:3000.


Development mode

Run CARL on the host in your development environment of choice and the rest in Docker. In this case there is a proxy running in the docker environment. It works as a drop-in replacement for CARL in the docker environment, which is forwarding the traffic to CARL running in an integrated development environment on the host.


Getting started

Set up the virtual machine

Then you may start the test environment in the virtual machine.

  • And use it in test mode
  • Or use it in development mode.
  • If you want to build the project in the virtual machine you may also want to give it more resources (cpu/memory).

There are some known issues with the test environment (most of them on Windows):

Start testing

Once you have set up and started the test environment, you may start testing the services.

User interface

The OpenDuT Browser is a web browser running in a docker container. It is based on KasmVNC base image which allows containerized desktop applications from a web browser. A port forwarding is in place to access the browser from your host. It has all the necessary certificates pre-installed and is running in headless mode. You may use this OpenDuT Browser to access the services.

  • Open following address in your browser: http://localhost:3000
  • Usernames for test environment:
    • LEA: opendut:opendut
    • Keycloak: admin:admin123456
    • Netbird: netbird:netbird
    • Grafana: admin:admin
  • Services with user interface:
    • https://carl
    • https://netbird-dashboard
    • https://keycloak
    • http://grafana