Test Execution

In a nutshell, test execution in openDuT works by executing containerized (Docker or Podman) test applications on a peer and uploading the results to a WebDAV directory. Test executors can be configured through either CLEO or LEA.

The container image specified by the image parameter in the test executor configuration can either be a container image already present on the peer or an image remotely available, e.g., in the Docker Hub.

A containerized test application is expected to move all test results to be uploaded to the /results/ directory within its container and create an empty file /results/.results_ready when all results have been copied there. When this file exists, or when the container exits and no results have been uploaded yet, EDGAR creates a ZIP archive from the contents of the /results directory and uploads it to the WebDAV server specified by the results-url parameter in the test executor configuration.

In the testenv launched by THEO, a WebDAV server is started automatically and can be reached at http://nginx-webdav/. In the Local Test Environment, a WebDAV server is also started automatically and reachable at http://nginx-webdav.opendut.local.

Note that the execution of executors is only triggered by deploying the cluster.

Test Execution using CLEO

In CLEO, test executors can be configured either by passing all configuration parameters as command line arguments...

$ opendut-cleo create container-executor --help 
Create a container executor using command-line arguments

Usage: opendut-cleo create container-executor [OPTIONS] --peer-id <PEER_ID> --engine <ENGINE> --image <IMAGE>

    --peer-id <PEER_ID>          ID of the peer to add the container executor to
-e, --engine <ENGINE>            Engine [possible values: docker, podman]
-n, --name <NAME>                Container name
-i, --image <IMAGE>              Container image
-v, --volumes <VOLUMES>...       Container volumes
    --devices <DEVICES>...       Container devices
    --envs <ENVS>...             Container envs
-p, --ports <PORTS>...           Container ports
-c, --command <COMMAND>          Container command
-a, --args <ARGS>...             Container arguments
-r, --results-url <RESULTS_URL>  URL to which results will be uploaded
-h, --help                       Print help

...or by providing a JSON-formatted configuration file.

$ opendut-cleo apply container-executor --help 
Create a container executor using a JSON-formatted configuration file

Usage: opendut-cleo apply container-executor <CONFIG_FILE>

<CONFIG_FILE>  Path to the JSON-formatted executor configuration file

-h, --help  Print help

Configuration File Format

A JSON configuration file for a test executor that is passed to CLEO may look as follows.

    "peer-id": "26ada545-e834-4af3-8b66-af860ad19dbe",
    "container": {
        "engine": "docker",
        "name": "nmap-test",
        "image": "nmap-test",
        "envs": {
            "ENVVAR1": "someenvironmentvariable",
            "ENVVAR2": "anotherenvironmentvariable"
        "args": [
        "ports":  [],
        "volumes": [],
        "command": "",
        "devices": []
    "results-url": "http://nginx-webdav:80/"

Test Execution Through LEA

In LEA, executors can be configured via the tab Executor during peer configuration, using similar parameters as for CLEO.